Most of us are aware that shifting to a vegan or vegetarian diet can have a big impact in reducing our individual carbon footprint. For social, cultural, and emotional reasons, making such a leap is too far for most of us. Fortunately, Project Drawdown and other studies indicate that moving to a plant-rich diet without giving up meat, dairy, or other animal-based products can be climate-friendly and healthy.
Here are some tips:
- Shift away from beef and lamb to poultry, pork, and fish. Carbon emissions from poultry is less than 20 percent of beef.
- Opt for pasta or rice dishes, soups, stir-fries, stews and other entrees that reduce the amount of meat per serving.
- Try substituting beans, tofu, mushrooms, or meat substitutes for meat in recipes.
- Buy organic foods, produced without petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides and often using techniques which build organic matter into the soil.
- Buy locally-grown produce (or grow your own) in season.
- Minimize food waste and compost unavoidable food waste.
This content originally appeared The EcoAdvocate newsletter produced by the EcoAction Arlington Advocacy Committee. For more information about the Advocacy Committee, please visit