Are you ready to increase your home’s energy efficiency? Did you know being a homeowner can help you

contribute to improving the environment? Even little things can make a big difference. And, it’s no surprise, larger changes have more impact on the environment, and many changes increase your home’s energy efficiency and decreases your monthly energy bills.
If you live in Arlington and own a home, this may be a good time to consider upgrading water heaters, heating, and cooling systems, or adding insulation, and sealing drafty windows, doors, and attics. The Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE) Home Energy Rebate program is offering rebates to Arlington homeowners who make approved upgrades with appliances that meet energy efficiency minimums.
How upgrades impact energy efficiency
Home improvements and appliance upgrades are not small decisions. So, it’s important to understand the facts and know how these upgrades may affect your energy costs. According to Virginia Energy Sense, the state energy education program:
- As much as half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling.
- The average home loses 15-35 percent of the energy used to heat and cool air because of leaks.
- Keep in mind that Energy Star certified products use up to 70 percent less energy that other models.
- Leaks and drafts cause unnecessary energy waste and expense. Caulk and air seal all doors and windows to reduce drafts and cut energy bills by as much as 32 percent.
AIRE’s energy rebate program helps homeowners realize the benefits of an energy efficient lifestyle. In addition to the rebates offered by AIRE, participants are eligible for the federal energy tax credit. For more information on rebate amounts, eligibility and to apply, click here.
The benefits of transitioning to energy efficient systems, improving your insulation, and sealing leaks are important steps to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving energy, and money on your energy bills over the long term.