Home Energy Audits:’ Part’ 3 of 3
This is the third post in a three part series about home energy audits, why they are important, who needs them and more. Subscribe to our blog to get the next installment delivered directly to your email box or RSS reader.
Part 3:’ ‘ How Much Does an Audit Cost?
A professional energy audit costs between $400 and $500.’ The more questions you have, the more time you should allow to discuss specifically each area of your home, and get the auditor’s thoughts and recommendations.’ After the audit, you will receive a report that details your home’s current performance.’ Included in the report are:
- Descriptions of areas with air leaks
- Under performing insulation or other issues
- Recommendations for improvement
If you are planning to get an audit, you should also consider what funds you have available to implement the recommendations for the audit.’ Note that the national average cost for a whole-house energy improvement is $8,000-$10,000.’ The cost depends on the size, age, condition, and complexity of the house.
The Arlington Energy Masters volunteers are available for a free home energy assessment visit, a good precursor to an audit.’ To schedule a visit, email:’ energy@ecoactionarlington.org or call’ 703.228.6427.
For more information about getting an energy audit locally, contact the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), the organization managing Virginia’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program.
Part 1: What is an Energy Audit? |’ Part 2: Who Should Get and Audit?‘ | Part 3: How Much Does an Energy Audit Cost?