Communities throughout America are realizing the “green” potential of our community streets. ‘ Many policies and practices for minimizing environmental impact are essential in making our transportation system more sustainable, and for creating streets that are safe for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation.
So what really is a Green Street?
A Green Street is a street with a vegetated area in the public right-of-way that reduces the volume of stormwater and stormwater pollutants that enter our local streams, the Potomac River, and the Chesapeake Bay. ‘ Optimal stormwater management focuses on efforts to retain and treat runoff at the source through cost-effective green infrastructure, improving water quality and complementing green street efforts.
Why Are Green Streets a Good Choice for Arlington?
Green Streets address both the volume of stormwater and the pollutants that stormwater carries. They are one of the best tools Arlington has at its disposal to address our environmental and regulatory stormwater needs such as:
- Volume
Significant quantities of stormwater enter Arlington’s stream during storms, causing erosion that exposes our infrastructure and undermines trees along our streams. - Pollutants
Stormwater washes pollutants, sediment, bacteria, and litter into our streams. This causes poor water quality in our streams. - Regulations
Arlington’s Municipial Separate Storm Sewer Permit (MS4 Permit) and the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) require Arlington to address the volume and pollutant loads in our stormwater.
Where are these Green Streets?
Projects to create Green Streets are ongoing, but to see some completed projects, visit:
- Patrick Henry Drive at 9th Rd N. – median rain gardens (Neighborhood Conservation Project)
- North Albemarle Street and 23rd Street North – median rain garden
- Marymount University Rain Garden. Private project
How Does Arlington Identify Potential Green Street Projects?
Arlington County is working with the Center for Watershed Protection to study all of the watersheds in the County and identify appropriate spaces on County land where green street projects can be added. ‘ To find out more about these ongoing efforts, or to see if there is a Green Street in your neighborhood, visit the Green Streets Arlington County page.