Many thanks to the dozens of volunteers who came out on Saturday, March 2nd for the Arlington Energy Masters workday at Colonial Village West. We had another powerhouse day where we completed all 32 units that were scheduled – a significant accomplishment!
Through this work tenants received …
- Tips and tools that encourage behavior change concerning more sustainable energy and water usage
- Energy efficiency upgrades, such as compact florescent light bulbs and power strips
- Water conservation improvements such as faucet aerators, toilet tummies, and low-flow shower heads
- Caulking and sealing behind light switches, outlets, vents and windows
As a result of this work, the goals are to help tenants …
- Enjoy increased comfort in their homes
- Use what they’ve learned through the program to make small behavioral’
changes for big environmental impact
- See reductions in their utility bills
Our volunteers enjoyed that fabulous waste-free lunch provided by the’ One Earth Covenant group at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. If you know anyone affiliated with the church, please be sure to extend our thanks for their generosity!
The day by the numbers …
Colonial Village West
- Units completed: 32
- 40W CFLs installed: 105
- 60W CFLs installed: 82
- Outlets and light switches sealed: 267
- Vents sealed: 2
- Bathroom Aerators installed: 19
- Kitchen Aerators installed: 17
- Shower heads installed: 2
- Toilet Tummies installed: 15
- Power strips installed: 8
Our goal for the year was to complete 125 units and as you can below, see we surpassed the our goal by a significant number and will top 150 by the time we finish our work in June.
Totals Year-to-Date
- Units completed: 147
- 40W CFLs installed: 235
- 60W CFLs installed: 587
- Outlets and light switches sealed: 1347
- Vents sealed: 25
- Bathroom Aerators installed: 83
- Kitchen Aerators installed: 77
- Shower heads installed: 18
- Toilet Tummies installed: 76
- Power strips installed: 46
Many thanks for all who worked so hard to make this possible. You, too, can be one of them. Here is how you can help: