EcoAction Arlington participated in the Plastic Free Challenge, August 20 to October 19 2018, a regional campaign to reduce the use of plastic with a focus on single-use plastics. Although the campaign is over, you can still learn facts and tips to reduce the use of single-use plastics, especially plastic bags, bottles, and straws.
The Problem
Did you know? Scientists project that there will be more tons of plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.
With tons of plastic being produced and used every year, the impact of plastic pollution on our planet is growing exponentially. Plastic debris ranges in size from large containers to microscopic pellets, and this pollution is impacting our lands, coasts, streams, rivers, and oceans.
- Plastics don’t break down, they break into smaller and smaller pieces.
- About half of plastic items are used once and then thrown away, especially bottles, bags, carryout containers, and straws.
- Most plastics end up in landfills where they can leach pollutants into the soil and groundwater.
- Some plastics end up in oceans and other waterways where they can be ingested by fish and other marine
animals. - Plastics make up about 50 % of trash collected by EcoAction Arlington volunteers in Arlington’s parks and waterways.
- Plastic production consumes an estimated 8 percent of global oil production.
Be Part of the Solution
While eliminating single-use plastics from our daily lives can seem like an overwhelming task, even a few simple changes–such as bringing reusable bags when shopping or skipping single use water bottles and straws–can make a big difference. Please read our Tips for a Plastic Free Lifestyle here.