Wednesday, March 9 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Via Zoom
The meeting’s featured speaker is Terry T. Baker, CEO of the Society of American Foresters. Terry will share his experiences and understanding of the importance of sustainably managing forested lands and green spaces through on-the-ground efforts and policy initiatives. He will also speak to the growing importance of engaging broader communities in this important work. The program will include remarks by Katie Cristol, Arlington County Board Chair; a presentation on a pilot program focused on tree canopy equity by DeShay Williams, EcoAction Arlington board member; an overview of EcoAction Arlington’s programming for 2022; the election of our board of directors; and a virtual social.
The virtual social is a great opportunity for everyone to connect with other like-minded attendees. Please join us to meet, mingle, and ask questions. We will also have information on hand on the following topics: volunteer opportunities, how to get a free tree through the Tree Canopy Fund, and gardening for pollinators. We especially invite anyone new to the community and/or EcoAction Arlington to join the social so we can answer your questions.
We encourage participants to register by 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 9. We can’t guarantee that we will be able to troubleshoot any technical issues for anyone registering after this deadline.
(agenda update 3/4/2022)
- Welcome/Agenda – Jill Barker, EcoAction Arlington Board Chair
- Board Election – Elenor Hodges, EcoAction Arlington Executive Director
- EcoAction Arlington 2022 Programming – Elenor Hodges, EcoAction Arlington Executive Director
- Program: “Trees for All”
- Introduction of Speaker – Melody Mobley, EcoAction Arlington Board Member
- Featured Presentation – Terry T. Baker, CEO, Society of American Foresters
- Q&A – Moderated by Mike Lowe, EcoAction Arlington Board Member
- EcoAction Arlington Tree Canopy Equity Program – DeShay Williams, EcoAction Arlington Board Member
- Closing Remarks – Katie Cristol, Arlington County Board Chair
- Mission Moment Videos
- Small Group Information Sessions
This event is part of EcoAction Arlington’s 2021-2022 event series, “Pollinators and Plants – From Bees to Trees, Our Earth Needs These.”