photo courtesy of Bryan Scafford
Members of the community, EcoAction Arlington Board, and staff took part in the Climate Resolution Celebration rally on Saturday, February 22. We came together with a powerful message voicing support for aggressively accelerating greenhouse gas reductions and creating local solutions that secure a liveable future for all. With the County Board’s approval of the Climate Resolution, Arlington is on its way to becoming a leader for local climate action.
We so appreciate all of the organizations who co-sponsored the Climate Resolution Celebration Rally, all of the individuals who spoke to the County Board and at the rally, and everyone who helped to make this event happen. A huge shout out to the high school students, Helen Hass, Alexa Newman, Eva Vinik, who made comments at the County Board meeting–hearing from Generation Z made a strong impression on our elected officials.
If you want to catch up on any parts of Saturday’s festivities that you missed, please review the County Board meeting recording on YouTube and the rally live stream on EcoAction Arlington’s Instagram.
The last few weeks have been very tumultuous, and we want to recognize that all the steps forward we are taking in Arlington are in sharp contrast to the destruction being levied by the White House and administration. This destruction of democracy is also impacting our neighbors. We need to build a community that stands strong for our planet while also making sure that everyone is safe and secure.

Help Us Continue Our Mission
Please consider making a donation to support EcoAction Arlington. Like many other groups, EcoAction Arlinton has been impacted by the federal grant and funding freeze. If you are able, please consider making an individual donation or other ways you can support our work.

Arlington County Climate Resolution Rally
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025
10 am-12 pm
Bozman Government Center
2100 Clarendon Blvd.
This event is organized by EcoAction Arlington with support from Defensores de la Cuenca, Elders Climate Action Virginia Chapter, Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Sierra Club Potomac River Group, and Third Act Virginia.
Please join us in celebrating the Arlington County Board’s adoption of a Climate Resolution. This resolution recognizes the threat of climate change to the planet and the need to develop effective, just, and equitable policies to combat the climate crisis. To commemorate this milestone, we will gather in the County Board room (3rd floor) to watch the adoption of the resolution. We will then convene in Courthouse Plaza (by the Metro entrance) for a celebration rally. In the event of inclement weather, the celebration will be moved indoors by the information desk. Please bring handheld signs to support Arlington climate action!
Schedule: The resolution vote is the first item on the agenda after the consent items, and we estimate it will occur between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. After the vote, we will gather for a short program and celebration outside on Courthouse Plaza concluding at 12:00 p.m. If your time is limited, you are welcome to come for either the board vote or the celebration rally.
Speakers Needed: please also consider signing up to speak during this agenda item for a two- or three-minute slot about why addressing climate change is important to you Details on how to sign up are available on the County’s website.
Note: All times are estimates based on current information available from the County Board office. The exact timing of the resolution vote and celebration rally are subject to change.
Tips for Participating: You have the option to make comments in person or virtually. If possible, we encourage you to show up in person to create more energy in the room and attend the rally afterward. If attending virtually, the County will send a Microsoft Teams link after signing up to speak. The County Board room is on the third floor of the Bozman Government Center, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at the Courthouse metro. There’s usually plenty of room to sit in the room and any overflow will be accommodated in the conference room across the hall.
While speaking before the County Board can seem intimidating, you should keep in mind that County Board members welcome and respect all comments and will not ask questions. Here’s a few pointers for commenting:
- Sign up in advance on the County Board website here. Registration opens about a week before the meeting once the agenda is posted. You will need to know the item number. The Climate Resolution will be the first regular item although the agenda will first list numerous other items that are on the consent agenda to be approved but not discussed at the Board meeting.
- You should plan to arrive or go to the link by 10:00 am
- Speak from your heart about your concerns about the climate crisis and why the Climate Resolution is important to you.
- Focus on two to three key points that you want to make and be concise
- Practice your comments in advance and edit down as needed – two to three minutes go by very quickly and you will be cut off if you go over your time.
- Check out Demystifying Speaking at the County Board for more tips.